Many drugs were found by trial and error 很多药物都是通过反复试验才发现的。
Children learn to use computer programs by trial and error. 孩子们通过反复摸索才学会运用计算机程序。
He learned to cook by trial and error. 他不断尝试学烹调。
There isn't enough time to learn everything in life by trial and error. 人生实在没有足够的时间容我们凡事尝试,从失败中学习。
But I arrived at the chosen numbers of "spam" and "good" trigrams only by trial and error. 但我只是用试错法(trialanderror)才达到了“垃圾邮件”和“合法”三元模型所选定的数目。
But much of this advice is broad and non-specific, leaving development teams to learn by trial and error. 但是大多数这种建议都太宽泛而且不具体,使得开发团队必须自己从尝试和错误中学习。
You need to learn what works by trial and error. 你必须要通过实验和错误去学习什么是管用的方法。
Talkative people might learn communication skills by trial and error, but quiet people can learn them just as well by watching talkative people trying and erring. 健谈的人通过不断练习和犯错学会沟通技巧,安静的人通过观察健谈的人练习和犯错,同样也能学会。
Since there is no precedent to build such a complex and unique country as China, we have to do it by trial and error. 建设中国这样一个独特而复杂的大国,我们没有现成的套路,只能边试边干。
Neither of us had any formal business education and we learnt by trial and error, trusting we would make enough good decisions to outweigh the bad. 我们两人中谁也没有受过任何正规的商科教育,我们通过试错学习,而且相信我们会做出足够多的正确决策,来压倒那些错误决策。
The all-round reform of our economic structure has just begun. The general orientation and principles are already established, but we still have to work out specific rules and regulations by trial and error. 具有五年以上相关经验或有船厂设计工作经验。我国经济体制的全面改革刚刚起步,总的方向、原则有了,具体章法还要在试验中一步步立起来。
Assuming we have predicted G, we can solve for N by trial and error. 假定我们已经预测到G,就可以用试误法来解N。
The general orientation and principles are already established, but we still have to work out specific rules and regulations by trial and error. 总的方向、原则有了,具体章法还要在试验中一步步立起来。
Primitive man found out by trial and error how to carry out a certain number of simple chemical changes, but under the ancient Egyptian civilization men learned how to work copper, tin, iron and precious metals. 原始人类通过不断摸索发现了如何去实现一些简单的化学变化,但是到了古代埃及文化昌盛时期,人们就懂得了如何冶炼铜、锡、铁以及一些贵重金属。
The constructed solving process is to establish a general SBR model firstly, then to derive the suboptimum solution by trial and error method with the help of simulation tools. 所构造的解法是首先建立通用的序批式反应器模型;然后借助仿真工具试差求取次优解。
We were given no instructions how to do the work, so we had to learn to do it by trial and error. 没有人指导我们如何干这项工作,我们只有反复尝试摸索着干。
And they have done it largely by trial and error finding new medicines in exotic plant extracts, for example, or looking for chemical compounds that resemble existing drugs. 他们做了大量的反复试验例如在外来植物提取物中寻找新药物,或者寻找与已有药物相类似的化学物质。
The above general rules allow the isopachs to be drawn by trial and error. 有了上述的一般规律,即可采用试凑法来描绘等和线。
He learned technical skills by trial and error. 他通过不断摸索掌握技能。
He cannot carry a tune. Factorization of this equation by trial and error is not possible. 他不能够演奏这个调子。用试凑法对这个方程进行因式分解是不可能奏效的。
You can learn how to use it properly by trial and error. 你可以通过反复试验来学习如何正确使用它。
Specific behaviour must be determined by trial and error. 特殊的行为必须是通过探索试验来决定。
That means progress will be made only by trial and error. 这就是说,只有不断尝试并犯错之后,才能取得进步。
Learn by trial and error. 通过反复试验学习。
The IRR can be found by trial and error by using a number of discount factors until the NPV equals zero. 内含报酬率可以采用验误法用一系列的折现数计算。
By trial and error trying things, making mistakes, and learning from those mistakes we have figured out how to make electric light, to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, to fly. 反复实践尝试,犯错,汲取教训我们领会到如何点亮那盏灯,去描绘宗教教堂的最高处,去翱翔。
The optimal depths of the wedge-shaped notch for different tapered transition lengths have been determined by trial and error. 对于不同渐变过渡段长度,其最佳楔形凹槽深度由实验试凑法得到。
Thesis constructs ANN models to simulate land use changes by trial and error on comparing the methods of constructed ANN. 本文在比较分析了有关ANN设计的方法的基础上,通过反复试验构造了模拟土地利用变化的ANN模型。
It has been proved by trial and error modelling and field data processing that the idea of conjugate migration is right and proper. 通过理论模型的试算和实际资料的处理,证明了共轭思想是成功的。
In order to enhance the system stability and dynamic performance further, the paper introduced the PID corrector, and determined optimization parameters combination of the PID corrector by trial and error. 为了进一步提高系统的稳定性和动态性能,本文引入了PID校正,通过对PID校正器参数的试凑法整定,并确定了PID校正器的最优化参数组合。